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สำรวจจิตวิทยาและสังคมศึกษากับ Psychic เรียนรู้และเข้าใจความซับซ้อนของมนุษย์ เพื่อพัฒนาความเข้าใจและสัมพันธภาพ





Psychic delves into the captivating realm of human psychology and social studies. It's a platform where young minds can unravel the mysteries of human behavior and explore the fascinating dynamics of social structures.


Psychic operates at the intersection of theoretical understanding and practical application. Our mission is to create an empathetic and nurturing environment that kindles insightful thinking and fosters a deeper understanding of oneself and others.

Extraordinary Experience:

Psychic offers a myriad of engaging activities. Participants will partake in role-play exercises, participate in thought-provoking group discussions, and conduct enlightening social experiments. Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to attend talks by prominent psychologists and social scientists, providing them with a unique insight into these fields.

What will participants learn:

Psychic aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of psychological theories and social issues. Participants will delve deep into human behavior, cultivate empathy, and acquire effective communication skills. They will leave with a rich knowledge base and a new perspective on the world around them.

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