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สร้างและค้นพบโอกาสทางการศึกษาด้วย Beyond พัฒนาการเติบโตทางปัญญาและแนะแนวการเรียน เพิ่มทักษะ ขยายโอกาส และสร้างวิสัยทัศน์ในโลกยุคใหม่




BIZ is not just a camp but an incubator for budding entrepreneurs, visionary leaders, and dynamic managers. We aim to create a nurturing environment where aspiring business minds learn, innovate, and grow.


At BIZ, we embody the 'learning by doing' philosophy. We do not confine our students to just theoretical knowledge but encourage them to dive into practical experiences. Our program is designed to simulate real-world business scenarios to provide an authentic insight into the world of business.

Extraordinary Experience:

BIZ offers a plethora of opportunities like workshops, case studies, and simulations that allow students to learn by facing real-world challenges. Students get the chance to interact and network with industry professionals, successful entrepreneurs, and mentors, who provide valuable insights and advice.

What will participants learn:

Participants will gain a solid understanding of business strategy, financial literacy, leadership and management skills, and the entrepreneurial spirit. They will learn to apply this knowledge in real-world situations, preparing them for future entrepreneurial endeavours.

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